
Glassdoor Jobs Scraper

Find Job, Boost Your Search

Scrapelead’s Glassdoor Jobs Scraper is a tool designed to extract job listings from Glassdoor. It allows you to get insights for analysis and market research with just a few clicks.



Why Scrape Jobs From Glassdoor?

Glassdoor is a go-to site for finding and recruiting job information, where employees share their experiences, salaries, and company reviews. Scrape jobs from Glassdoor and access valuable insights that can help you:

  • Identify in-demand job roles
  • Analyze salary trends
  • Understand company cultures and employee sentiments
  • Make data-driven recruitment decisions.

Glassdoor Data Scraping

Our Glassdoor extractor fetches the following data:

Data Extracted Description
Company Name The name of the company offering the job.
Salaries The estimated salary range or compensation for the role.
Job Title The title of the job position being advertised.
Location The geographic location of the job.
Job Description A detailed overview of job responsibilities and requirements.
Job Type The type of job (e.g., full-time, part-time, contract).
Posting Date The date when the job listing was published.
Company Overview Job type, no. of employees, size, industry, revenue info etc.
Company Ratings and Reviews Feedback and overall rating of the company.

How Glassdoor Jobs Scraper Works


Sign up and enter the active Glassdoor URL containing the job listings you want to scrape. Our Glassdoor jobs crawler will automatically extract job listings from the specified Glassdoor page.

Scheduling Made Easy

You can choose how often you want to update your data. Run the crawler daily, monthly, or quarterly, or set your own custom schedule. We’ll keep your information fresh and ready.


Once the scraping is complete, you can download your dataset in various formats, including:

  • CSV
  • Excel
  • JSON
  • XML
  • HTML

Refer to the attached screenshot for the data to be extracted

scrape jobs glassdoor

Why ScrapeLead?

  • Reliable and accurate data extraction.
  • Exceptional customer support.
  • Automate the tedious process of data collection.
  • No coding skills required. Point, click, and scrape.
  • Export your data to Google Sheets, CSV, JSON, and more.
  • Get 1/2 hours of runtime at no cost to you.
  • Easy on pocket pricing.
  • Fast speed, no matter what!
In Need of help? Email us at

Transform Your Job Search Today!

Sign up for a FREE trial and start using ScrapeLead’s Glassdoor Jobs Scraper today. Leverage the insights to enhance your hiring strategies and stay ahead of the competition

[Start Scraping Now]


  1. Do I need coding skills to use the Glassdoor Jobs Scraper?

    No! Our tool requires no coding knowledge.

  2. How do I save the scraped data?

    The scraped job listings can be automatically saved to your Google Sheets for easy access and analysis.

  3. Can I customize the scraping process?

    Yes, you can set filters according to your needs.

  4. Is it legal to scrape jobs from Glassdoor?

    Yes, it is legal to scrape publicly available data. However, you must ensure you comply with Glassdoor’s terms of use and respect data privacy laws while using the scraper.


Why Scrape Jobs From Glassdoor?

Glassdoor is a go-to site for finding and recruiting job information, where employees share their experiences, salaries, and company reviews. Scrape jobs from Glassdoor and access valuable insights that can help you:

  • Identify in-demand job roles
  • Analyze salary trends
  • Understand company cultures and employee sentiments
  • Make data-driven recruitment decisions.

Glassdoor Data Scraping

Our Glassdoor extractor fetches the following data:

Data Extracted Description
Company Name The name of the company offering the job.
Salaries The estimated salary range or compensation for the role.
Job Title The title of the job position being advertised.
Location The geographic location of the job.
Job Description A detailed overview of job responsibilities and requirements.
Job Type The type of job (e.g., full-time, part-time, contract).
Posting Date The date when the job listing was published.
Company Overview Job type, no. of employees, size, industry, revenue info etc.
Company Ratings and Reviews Feedback and overall rating of the company.

How Glassdoor Jobs Scraper Works


Sign up and enter the active Glassdoor URL containing the job listings you want to scrape. Our Glassdoor jobs crawler will automatically extract job listings from the specified Glassdoor page.

Scheduling Made Easy

You can choose how often you want to update your data. Run the crawler daily, monthly, or quarterly, or set your own custom schedule. We’ll keep your information fresh and ready.


Once the scraping is complete, you can download your dataset in various formats, including:

  • CSV
  • Excel
  • JSON
  • XML
  • HTML

Refer to the attached screenshot for the data to be extracted

scrape jobs glassdoor

Why ScrapeLead?

  • Reliable and accurate data extraction.
  • Exceptional customer support.
  • Automate the tedious process of data collection.
  • No coding skills required. Point, click, and scrape.
  • Export your data to Google Sheets, CSV, JSON, and more.
  • Get 1/2 hours of runtime at no cost to you.
  • Easy on pocket pricing.
  • Fast speed, no matter what!
In Need of help? Email us at

Transform Your Job Search Today!

Sign up for a FREE trial and start using ScrapeLead’s Glassdoor Jobs Scraper today. Leverage the insights to enhance your hiring strategies and stay ahead of the competition

[Start Scraping Now]


  1. Do I need coding skills to use the Glassdoor Jobs Scraper?

    No! Our tool requires no coding knowledge.

  2. How do I save the scraped data?

    The scraped job listings can be automatically saved to your Google Sheets for easy access and analysis.

  3. Can I customize the scraping process?

    Yes, you can set filters according to your needs.

  4. Is it legal to scrape jobs from Glassdoor?

    Yes, it is legal to scrape publicly available data. However, you must ensure you comply with Glassdoor’s terms of use and respect data privacy laws while using the scraper.