
LinkedIn Profile

Our LinkedIn web scraper grabs all available data of publicly accessible information such as profile IDs, email addresses, positions, URLs, timestamps, locations, descriptions, experiences, education details, avatars, blog posts, language proficiency, groups, certificates, courses, recommendations, job listings, and much more—all without needing to log in manually.

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Why Use LinkedIn Web Scraping?

LinkedIn is a social network for professionals. People use it to connect with colleagues, find job opportunities, and share their work experiences. Our Linkedin web scraper captures publicly available information from LinkedIn. Web scraping LinkedIn is helpful to:

  • Find Leads: Identify potential customers or partners quickly.
  • Research:Get insights into industry trends and job markets.
  • Recruit: Discover and connect with talented professionals.
  • Monitor Competitors:Keep track of competitor activities and updates.
  • Enhance Data: Improve your contact lists with detailed profile information.

LinkedIn Web Scraper

Our LinkedIn web scraper extracts following data fields such as:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Headline (job title)
  • Location
  • Industry
  • Current company
  • Current job title
  • Degrees earned
  • Institutions attended
  • Fields of study
  • Endorsed skills

How LinkedIn Scraper Works


Create a free account or sign in. Enter your desired URLs and click “Run.”


Once the run is finished, download your data in following data formats:

  • CSV
  • XML
  • JSON
  • Excel
  • HTML

Refer to the attached screenshot for the data to be extracted

web scraping LinkedIn
LinkedIn scraping

Why ScrapeLead?

  • Reliable and accurate data extraction.
  • Exceptional customer support.
  • Automate the tedious process of data collection.
  • No coding skills required. Point, click, and scrape.
  • Export your data to Google Sheets, CSV, JSON, and more.
  • Get 1/2 hours of runtime at no cost to you.
  • Easy on pocket pricing.
  • Fast speed, no matter what!
Need help? Email us at

Supercharge Your Business Today!

Sign up for a FREE trial and start using ScrapeLead’s LinkedIn Scraper today. Get precise, actionable LinkedIn data to drive your success.

[Start Scraping Now]


  1. Is it legal to scrape LinkedIn data?

    Yes, because we are scraping data that is only visible on Google without login.

  2. Do I need technical skills to use our Linkedin web scraper?

    No, our user-friendly interface makes it easy for anyone to use, regardless of technical expertise.

  3. How do I start using the LinkedIn web scraper?

    Simply sign up for a free account, input the LinkedIn URLs, and click “Run” to start scraping.

  4. Do I need to provide my LinkedIn login credentials?

    No, you don’t need to provide your LinkedIn login credentials. Our scraper uses existing session information, meaning you only need to provide LinkedIn cookies to access profiles.

LinkedIn Profile

Our LinkedIn web scraper grabs all available data of publicly accessible information such as profile IDs, email addresses, positions, URLs, timestamps, locations, descriptions, experiences, education details, avatars, blog posts, language proficiency, groups, certificates, courses, recommendations, job listings, and much more—all without needing to log in manually.

Categories , ,


Why Use LinkedIn Web Scraping?

LinkedIn is a social network for professionals. People use it to connect with colleagues, find job opportunities, and share their work experiences. Our Linkedin web scraper captures publicly available information from LinkedIn. Web scraping LinkedIn is helpful to:

  • Find Leads: Identify potential customers or partners quickly.
  • Research:Get insights into industry trends and job markets.
  • Recruit: Discover and connect with talented professionals.
  • Monitor Competitors:Keep track of competitor activities and updates.
  • Enhance Data: Improve your contact lists with detailed profile information.

LinkedIn Web Scraper

Our LinkedIn web scraper extracts following data fields such as:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Headline (job title)
  • Location
  • Industry
  • Current company
  • Current job title
  • Degrees earned
  • Institutions attended
  • Fields of study
  • Endorsed skills

How LinkedIn Scraper Works


Create a free account or sign in. Enter your desired URLs and click “Run.”


Once the run is finished, download your data in following data formats:

  • CSV
  • XML
  • JSON
  • Excel
  • HTML

Refer to the attached screenshot for the data to be extracted

web scraping LinkedIn
LinkedIn scraping

Why ScrapeLead?

  • Reliable and accurate data extraction.
  • Exceptional customer support.
  • Automate the tedious process of data collection.
  • No coding skills required. Point, click, and scrape.
  • Export your data to Google Sheets, CSV, JSON, and more.
  • Get 1/2 hours of runtime at no cost to you.
  • Easy on pocket pricing.
  • Fast speed, no matter what!
Need help? Email us at

Supercharge Your Business Today!

Sign up for a FREE trial and start using ScrapeLead’s LinkedIn Scraper today. Get precise, actionable LinkedIn data to drive your success.

[Start Scraping Now]


  1. Is it legal to scrape LinkedIn data?

    Yes, because we are scraping data that is only visible on Google without login.

  2. Do I need technical skills to use our Linkedin web scraper?

    No, our user-friendly interface makes it easy for anyone to use, regardless of technical expertise.

  3. How do I start using the LinkedIn web scraper?

    Simply sign up for a free account, input the LinkedIn URLs, and click “Run” to start scraping.

  4. Do I need to provide my LinkedIn login credentials?

    No, you don’t need to provide your LinkedIn login credentials. Our scraper uses existing session information, meaning you only need to provide LinkedIn cookies to access profiles.