Plans & Pricing

Effortless Data Extraction: How ScrapeLead Saves You Time and Effort


50 Credits per month
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Per month
5000 Credits per month
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$311 .75
Per month
20000 Credits per month
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Custom Credits per month
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50 Credits per month
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Per month / Billed annually
5000 Credits per month
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Per month / Billed annually
120,000 Credits per month
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Custom Credits per month
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Crawler Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Custom
Max concurrent 5 10 20 30 Custom
Residential proxies check-img check-img check-img check-img check-img
Workflows check-img check-img check-img check-img check-img
Future Labs check-img check-img check-img check-img check-img
Users 1 1 1 1 Custom


Google Sheets check-img check-img check-img check-img check-img
Airtable check-img check-img check-img check-img check-img check-img check-img check-img check-img check-img
Pabbly Connect check-img check-img check-img check-img check-img
Webhooks check-img check-img check-img check-img check-img


Support Level Basic (Email) Basic (Email) Basic (Email) Basic (Email + Chat) Premium 24x7
Help Center check-img check-img check-img check-img check-img
Team Onboarding check-img check-img
Dedicated Account Manager check-img check-img
SAML Single Sign-On (SSO) check-img

Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about ScrapeLead’s pricing.

Here's all you need to do:
  1. Sign up for a free account. No credit card required.
  2. Setup the browser extension and follow the step-by-step instructions.
  3. Record a task to automate. A robot will observe your actions and learn to perform the task.
  4. Name the robot and set up monitoring for it to run tasks regularly (e.g. everyday).
That's it. It takes new users about 5 minutes to go through all these steps and set up their first automation.

There are a lot of common tasks people like to automate. Some examples are:
  • Scraping sales leads from online directories and marketplaces
  • Extracting and monitoring lists of products and their prices on e-commerce sites
  • Monitoring competitors' sites and monitoring their presence on other websites
We're adding prebuilt robots every week for common use cases that don't require installing the browser extension. Sign up to receive a list of new prebuilt robots every month.

Nope! Browse AI makes it easy for you to automate tasks and extract data from websites without being a developer.
If you ever need assistance, just let us know and we'll help you out.

Each plan gives a certain number of credits per year or per month. Depending on the number of rows you extract in a task, the screenshots you capture, and whether a site is Premium, each task will cost you from one to several credits.

With each credit, you can extract 10 rows of data from a page or capture a screenshot.

For example, if there are 50 products listed on a webpage and you need to extract them, it would take 5 credits. If you extract each product's details as well from its dedicated detail page, that would take an additional 50 credits.

If you monitor these 50 product detail pages for changes checking every 3 days, it would take about 50x(30/3) = 500 credits per month.

There is a small number of sites that require premium proxies or a large volume of files to load. Those sites are marked as Premium and each run on these sites has a minimum credit cost between 2 and 10.When your billing cycle (year or month) ends, your credits will reset.

When your billing cycle (year or month) ends, your credits will reset. Unused credits will also be reset and will not be carried over, unless before the billing cycle ends, the plan is upgraded in which case any unused credits will be added on top of the credits you receive from the upgrade for the duration of the plan to which you have upgraded.

You can train a robot (formerly called a task) to automate a set of steps that you would normally do manually on a website. For example:
  • Open a webpage,
  • Log in,
  • Click on buttons,
  • Fill out forms,
  • Click on buttons,
  • Extract structured data from a webpage into a spreadsheet,
  • Take screenshots,
  • Monitor specific parts of webpages for visual or content changes.
Robots are created either using Prebuilt Robots or using Browse AI Recorder and its click-and-extract interface. Every robot has a few input parameters (like the webpage address) that you can adjust every time you run it.

Browse AI is the only intelligent web automation software that lets you record and run automations reliably on any of the 1.8 billion websites out there.

Some sites try to block any automated browsing activity. We have systems in place (such as rotating geolocated residential proxies and automated captcha solving) to avoid these blockers, but their cost is significant so they are marked as Premium.

Tasks on premium sites have a minimum credit cost between 2 and 10. You can learn more about them here.

We take the security of your data seriously. Browse AI engineering team has years of experience developing web-based software for Canadian banks. We've leveraged bank-level encryption and access management to ensure data privacy and security.

Below are some highlights:
  • We use Auth0 to authenticate users and store their Browse AI account credentials. We don't store any Browse AI account credentials on our infrastructure.
  • We use AWS US datacenters for our services and databases.
  • We use TLS 1.2 wherever possible (both via Browse AI and external API services). You can find more details here.
  • Any passwords entered during recordings are encrypted with AES-256 and stored in a database. Of course, Browse AI has the decryption keys on hand so it can use the credentials when running tasks but they are stored and maintained separately and behind multiple layers of protection. The keys are only accessibly by the founder and the DevOps team leadership, who have never needed to use the keys so far.
  • Encrypted inputs are only decrypted on the server when running a task. You and your team members who have access to the task can never access the decrypted input on the dashboard or through the API.
  • Datadog is used for monitoring the application and storing its logs for up to 30 days for troubleshooting purposes. We make sure no sensitive information, such as encrypted inputs, are ever logged.
  • Browse AI support team have access to your tasks in case you ask them for help. We monitor our staff's activities to make sure they only access a task when the task owner has authorized them to do so. In the future, we plan to create an "temporary access key" system so you can grant temporary access to a single task when you need support.
  • The support team can never access your encrypted inputs, such as recorded passwords.
  • We have a Privacy Policy document that outlines what information we collect and where and how it is processed and stored.
If you have any questions on how Browse AI stores or handles your information, please contact us.

No, at the moment we only accept payments in United States Dollars (USD). We do accept all major credit cards through Stripe, our payment provider.

Yes! When you choose to pre-pay for a year of service, you'll receive a 20% discount.There are additional discounts for non-profits, educational institutions, and startups. Contact us to learn more.

We aim to ensure that 100% of our users are getting value from the software and are happy with the results. That is why we offer a satisfaction guarantee and full refund for up to 60 days after purchase under certain conditions outlined in the Refund Policy.

You can always visit the Help Center to learn more about Browse AI.