Onthemarket Scraper

Utilize scraping OnTheMarket to explore millions of United Kingdom real estate listings for sale or rent. You can also keep an eye on a particular listing for updates or new listings with our OnTheMarket web scraper. Multiple search result listings are available for scraping and monitoring.



Why Scrape OnTheMarket?

OnTheMarket is a popular UK property listing website featuring homes for sale and rent. By OnTheMarket data scraping, you can extract valuable data like property details, prices, locations, and more. This helps you:

  • Stay Informed: Keep track of the latest property listings and updates.
  • Analyze Trends: Understand market dynamics by analyzing prices and availability.
  • Monitor Competitors: See what other real estate agents are offering.
  • Optimize Listings: Get detailed insights to improve your property listings.

How OnTheMarket Scraper Works



Sign up and provide the URL of the OnTheMarket search results page or specific property pages you want to scrape. Our OnTheMarket scraper crawls the listings and extracts data.


Once the run is finished, download your data in following data formats:

  • CSV
  • XML
  • XLSX
  • JSON
  • Excel

Refer to the attached screenshot for the data to be extracted.

onthemarket data scraper
onthemarket web scraper

Why ScrapeLead?

  • Reliable and accurate data extraction.
  • Exceptional customer support.
  • Automate the tedious process of data collection.
  • No coding skills required. Point, click, and scrape.
  • Export your data to Google Sheets, CSV, JSON, and more.
  • Get 1/2 hours of runtime at no cost to you.
  • Easy on pocket pricing.
  • Fast speed, no matter what!
Need help? Email us at data@scrapelead.io.

Get Ahead in Real Estate!

Sign up for a FREE trial and start using ScrapeLead’s OnTheMarket Scraper today. Access detailed property data instantly.

[Start Scraping Now]


  1. What data can the OnTheMarket data scraper extract?
    You can extract product details, prices, sale prices, colors, sizes, and images.
  2. Is Nordstrom web scraping legal?
    • Property titles
    • Full addresses
    • Prices
    • Locations
    • Agent details
    • Property types
    • Images
    • And much more
  3. Is OnTheMarket web scraping legal?
    Yes, but it’s important to follow the website’s terms of service and ensure you’re not violating any legal or ethical guidelines.
  4. How do I get started?Simply sign up for a free trial, enter the URL of the OnTheMarket listings you want to scrape, and start collecting data.
  5. Can I monitor changes in listings?
    Yes, you can enable monitoring mode to track new listings and updates.

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